A Tribute to John Piper
This will be an on-going, family project to both keep alive and to pass on to our children and grandchildren the
memories of John Piper's life. The author of these web pages is Larry Piper, John's eldest child.
As I write this page on August 13, 2002, it has been less than 48 hours since my wife, Judy, and I decided to do this
tribute. I set a deadline of August 14, the 25th anniversary of Dad's passing, to have a workable web site. My motivation
was the parallel efforts to pay tribute to the 25th anniversary of another great individual of which you may have heard, Elvis.
Consequently, I have not been able to create a polished web site, yet. I would like to hear your thoughts via
The six topics above, Family, Homes, YMCA, Football, Stories and Misc. are a good starting point to capture the
history and flavor of John Piper's life. Each page contains both photos and some limited narrative. They should be viewed in the order listed.
At present the orange Stories is a dead link. I have made notes of some seven stories that I want to get on paper,
but that will come later. I am hoping other members of the family will also contribute to this section. Also, I would
like to link to our family genealogy page, but that is still under construction. Finally, I want to add a page for his
five grand children, all of whom he saw, plus his five great-grand children, none of whom he knew.
Every picture in this web site was created by copying old photos with a digital camera. I cropped each image and
then downsized it from 500K to about 20K so the web pages would load fast. This took 2-3 minutes per image. I
DID NOT attempt to touch up any of the images--a process that could easily take an hour per image.
I have this thing about music, so each of the six topic sites also has an appropriate MIDI music in the background.
I have included a shut off button, if desired.
Finally, there are 150K in pictures on each page, which will take 30-40 seconds to load the first time on a dialup
connection. Close the popup ad from Tripod that always appears at the top of a new page. Also, be sure to refresh
your browser when visiting a page for the second time so you always get the latest information.
Family | is 6 pictures of John's parents and siblings followed by 9 pictures of his own family. |
Homes | is 11 pictures of the various homes where John Piper lived from 1935 to his death in 1977. |
YMCA | is 9 pictures of John's 28 years of YMCA work, mostly as Camp Director. |
Football | is 8 pictures of Johnny Piper's exploits as a football star at North Manchester College, IN. |
Stories | when completed, this section will have at least 11 narrations about a humorous or
poignant incident in the life of John Piper; these are what legends are made off. You can only see the story titles at present. |
Misc | is just what it implys: some background narrative about his personality, plus a miscellaneous collection of pictures about
his Navy service, his wedding, his love of guns, some old cars and his gravesite. |
This site created by Larry L. Piper, August 12, 2002.
Copyright @2002. Last updated: August 16, 2002.